Saturday, December 29, 2012


Originally, I was planning on buying the domain name and making it my own, but I quickly realized that I know absolutely nothing about buying domain names or even about the basic construction of a website. So my creation of was quickly aborted and I decided to move on to something I understand a bit better: blogging. Why a blog for Josh? Because he is freakin' awesome and deserves an equally awesome lady. He is also far too prideful to do anything like this for himself and therefore I am forcing it upon him (with his less than enthusiastic consent, might I add).

Single ladies, may I introduce you to one of the finest men that I know. He is honest, trustworthy, an amazing listener, and not bad on the eyes either. Furthermore, he is extremely witty, fun to be around, and a hard-working medical professional. (He is also able to laugh at himself and laugh at my sad blog attempt to find him a woman.) By all accounts, he is quite a catch.

So why is he still single? My friend Josh is quite picky and does not settle for just any pair of legs that comes his way. No ma'am. He does not like to waste his time on floozies and unfortunately our world has become full of less-than-classy females. Josh needs a real lady. One who is career-driven and enjoys the outdoors. He needs someone who understands his twisted humor and who has her shit together. Josh deserves the best. But sometimes the best can be hard to find. I suppose that is where I come in. I am trying to find him someone awesome. I am not searching for his future wife or anything like that.. Just looking for someone fun, who is also looking for someone fun. Nothing serious, just the chance to meet one of Indy's finest bachelors.

The Basics

Name: Josh
Age: 31
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Hobbies: Horseback Riding, Camping, Playing Piano, Watching TV/Movies, and Traveling.
Field of Profession: Medicine
College Educated: Yes.
Owns a Car: Yes.
Awesome Friends: Absolutely.

Photo of Josh on a beach.. in a suit..

Sadly, I think this is the only photo that I have of Josh and I... and I look retarded. Whatever, this is not about me.. it's about Josh! [photo from Bike and Brew 2012]

Interested? Want to know more? Email me at and tell me a little bit about yourself. If you sound sane, I will forward you on to Josh.

*Gold diggers, drug addicts, smokers, the unemployed, those outside the Indianapolis area, those with STDs and women over 40 or under 21 need not apply. 


  1. Haha This is funny! You are a great friend! I say that you two look cute together. :)

    Has this been working? I may have to do this for my dad!

    1. Hey Katie, glad you are entertained (it is pretty funny)! Surprisingly the blog has been fairly popular and has received a few hits. Good luck with your dad!

  2. Josh, I find it odd that you can post under the name "dani a".... Use that power wisely.

    Katie, so far I have gotten josh one date.. Which is one more than he would have has without my sad attempt.. So I am going to consider this a sort of success! ;)

    The actually dani
